The Ashwagandha Advantage: Can it Increase Testosterone in Women?

Does ashwagandha increase testosterone in females? While taking my morning wellness pill, this sudden thought peeped into my mind. I know Ashwagandha helps regulate testosterone levels in men; what about females?

You may ask why on earth I am talking about females and testosterone; after all, it’s a male hormone. Well, contrary to common belief, testosterone isn’t just a male hormone – it plays significant roles in women’s bodies too.

So, drawing from scientific studies and expert opinion, let’s unravel the complex relationship between Ashwagandha and women’s testosterone levels.

Testosterone in Women: A Delicate Balance

In women, testosterone is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. While women need less testosterone than men, maintaining the right balance is crucial. It can impact women’s health, such as muscle mass, bone density, and mood regulation.

But both excess and deficiency of testosterone hormones can lead to various health problems.

Low testosterone may cause fatigue, weight gain, mood swings, and decreased libido.

On the other hand, too much testosterone can result in irregular periods, acne, and even fertility issues.

Check if Ashwagandha makes your pee smelly.

So the right balance of testosterone is crucial in females. And Ashwagandha plays a vital role in regulating this hormonal balance.

Does Ashwagandha Increase Testosterone In Females?

Yes, Ashwagandha may increase testosterone in women and neutralize androgen deficiency syndrome. However, it won’t increase testosterone levels in females the same way it does for males.

According to a study, Ashwagandha may boost testosterone levels in infertile women or those with PCOS. But other studies suggest that Ashwagandha may not affect testosterone levels in healthy women or those experiencing menopause.

However, the direct research on ashwagandha’s effects on female testosterone levels is still limited. More research is needed to confirm the safety and efficacy of ashwagandha for this purpose.

The main factor is Ashwagandha is an adaptogen. It enhances hormonal balance by affecting your endocrine system. So, its impact on men and women may vary due to gender differences.

It means Ashwagandha will impact less in females’ testosterone than males. Instead, it will help regulate estrogen levels more in females’ bodies.

Does Ashwagandha Increase Testosterone In Females?

Ashwagandha And The Cortisol-Testosterone Connection

One of the key hormones ashwagandha impacts is cortisol, often called the “stress hormone.” The body produces cortisol in response to stress. When this hormone is consistently elevated, it can lead to many health issues, including fatigue, weight gain, anxiety, low libido, infertility, etc.

Several studies indicate that ashwagandha can help regulate cortisol levels. A randomized study found that adults who took high-concentration ashwagandha extract had significantly reduced cortisol levels compared to those who took a placebo.

Here’s where it gets interesting: cortisol and testosterone share an inversely proportional relationship. If one is Superman, another is kryptonite.

Testosterone levels tend to drop when cortisol levels rise, and vice versa.

By helping to regulate cortisol levels, ashwagandha may also indirectly influence testosterone levels.

Forms and Dosage of Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha supplements come in various forms, including powders, capsules, tinctures, and teas. Each form has advantages, and the choice largely depends on your preference.

Typically, the recommended dosage for ashwagandha ranges from 450 mg to 600 mg per day. But it can vary based on the specific product and individual health needs.

Always follow the dosage instructions provided by your healthcare provider or the supplement manufacturer.

Beyond Testosterone: The Benefits of Ashwagandha for Women

Ashwagandha can benefit women by reducing stress, improving mood, enhancing cognitive function, and possibly increasing fertility.

Research has shown that ashwagandha can effectively lower stress and anxiety levels. Additionally, a study suggests that taking ashwagandha supplements may enhance cognitive performance.

Learn in detail how Ashwagandha benefits women.

Side Effects and Precautions

Despite ashwagandha’s many potential benefits, it’s essential to be aware of possible side effects and precautions. Some people may experience mild side effects such as upset stomach, diarrhea, or drowsiness.

People with specific conditions like thyroid disorders, autoimmune diseases, or pregnancy should consult a healthcare professional before starting ashwagandha supplementation.

Does Ashwagandha Increase Female Fertility?

Some evidence suggests that ashwagandha may be beneficial for female fertility.

A study found that ashwagandha may improve reproductive function in women with PCOS. The study showed significant improvements in various markers, including stress, antioxidant levels, and overall quality of life

Another research suggests that Ashwagandha may improve female fertility by regulating hormones and promoting follicle growth. It may also increase sexual function in women in one human study.

However, more research is needed to confirm the potential benefits of Ashwagandha on female fertility.

Does Ashwagandha Increase Estrogen In Females?

Some research suggests that ashwagandha may influence hormone levels, helping balance estrogen and progesterone. This is particularly relevant during menopause, when a woman’s hormone levels fluctuate and often decrease significantly.

Another study suggested that ashwagandha supplementation could alleviate menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings, possibly by balancing hormone levels, including estrogen.

However, the study did not directly measure changes in estrogen levels, and further research is needed to understand the exact relationship between ashwagandha and estrogen.

Ashwagandha And Testosterone Connection


Does Ashwagandha Increase Testosterone In Females? Well, little evidence is available about how it specifically affects testosterone levels and fertility.

That’s why talking to your healthcare provider before adding ashwagandha supplements to your routine is a good idea. As more research is conducted, we’ll learn more about what this powerful herb can do.

Visit our blogs for further information on Ashwagandha and other supplements.

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