Say Cheese: The Tasty Delight, But Why A Vitamin C Plight?

You’re at a wine and cheese soirée, nibbling on a delectable spread of artisanal cheeses, savoring each bite, and feeling quite pleased with your dietary choices. “Could it be a hidden source of Vitamin C? Does cheese have vitamin C?”

I hate to burst your cheesy bubble, but the truth is far more intriguing.

Let’s uncover the truth about cheese’s role in your Vitamin C intake.

Does Cheese Have Vitamin C?

Most types of cheese contain minimal vitamin C, typically less than 1mg per 100g or serving size. Brie, Philadelphia cream cheese, and Gjetost are some cheese types that do not have vitamin C. However, Mozzarella cheese has some vitamin C, with 0.3mg in 100 g of serving.

However, cheese is rich in protein, calcium, and vitamins A and B.

So, adding cheese to your diet may not be a good idea for vitamin C; it benefits you differently with all its nutritional content.

Let’s check the vitamin C content in different types of cheese.

Cheese (28g)Vitamin C (mg)%DV
Cream cheese00
Vitamin C Content In Different Types Of Cheese

Source: USDA FoodData Central

Why Is Cheese Low In Vitamin C: 4 Possible Reasons

The vitamin C content in cheese is small; you already know it. But what you don’t know is why.

Here are 3 possible reasons for little to no vitamin C in cheese.

Milk: the Low Vitamin C Source

Cheese is made of milk, and milk is low in vitamin C. Cow’s milk typically contains less than 5mg of vitamin C per liter. The amount of vitamin C decreases with storage.

Besides, during milk processing, it is common to apply heat treatment to eliminate bacteria and prolong shelf life. However, this process can reduce the vitamin C content of the milk compared to raw milk.

When milk is exposed to light, the vitamin C content may decrease due to oxidation. Similarly, copper contamination may also reduce vitamin C levels in milk.

Heat Sensitivity

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is sensitive to heat and oxygen. When vitamin C is heated beyond 100°C, oxygen has a greater impact on its breakdown than temperature.

Research indicates that the retention of vitamin C in all cooked samples varied from 0.0% to 91.1%. When cooking or boiling cheese in water, the vitamin C content of the cheese can decrease due to the high-temperature contact with water.

Thus, you have cheese with a tiny vitamin C content.

Does Cheese Have Vitamin C?


Fermentation can result in the oxidation of vitamin C, which can decrease its concentration. Ascorbinase, an enzyme that breaks down vitamin C, may also be activated during fermentation. Damaged cell structures release and activate this enzyme, which can further reduce the vitamin C content in fermented foods.


Studies have shown that the vitamin C content in cheese decreases as storage time increases. A study found that storing fermented milk beyond 21 days resulted in a continued decrease in vitamin C content. The main reason for the reduced vitamin C content is oxidation.

During storage, cheese can be exposed to oxygen, which can cause the oxidation of vitamin C and decrease its concentration. The temperature at which you store cheese and light exposure can also cause the breakdown of vitamin C, leading to a decrease in its concentration.

Cheese vs. Other Source: Is Cheese A Good Source Of Vitamin C?

Cheese is not a good source of vitamin C. Being a water-soluble vitamin, the vitamin C concentration is significantly reduced during cheese-making using heat, fermentation, and storage.

Besides, the main ingredient of cheese, milk, is also low in vitamin C. Thus, the cheese will provide you with a tiny amount of vitamin C, insufficient for your daily intake.

You can rely on other food sources for optimum vitamin C.

Here is a table of cheese vs. other food sources for vitamin C.

FoodVitamin C (mg)%DV
Orange juice5056
Grapefruit juice3943
Kiwi fruit93103
Red bell pepper128142
Green bell pepper8089
Brussels sprouts8594
Vitamin C: Cheese vs. Other Sources

What Food Has Highest Vitamin C?

The Australian fruit Kakadu plum has the highest amount of vitamin C compared to any other fruit. It contains over 100 times more vitamin C than oranges, up to 2,907 mg per 100 grams. Only one plum provides 484% of the daily value of vitamin C.

Check how much vitamin C is in lemonade.

Other vitamin C-rich foods include acerola cherries, chili peppers, kiwifruit, strawberries, oranges, papaya, etc., offering more than 50% of the DV for vitamin C per serving.

Is Milk High In Vitamin C?

Milk is not a good source of vitamin C since it contains very low amounts, typically less than 5mg per liter. Besides, the vitamin C content of milk decreases over time and can be affected by factors such as exposure to light and copper contamination.

However, milk is a good source of other nutrients such as calcium, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6.

Which Vitamins Are In Cheese?

Cheese may not contain Vitamin C but is rich in other vitamins and minerals. While cheddar and parmesan are rich in vitamin A, Swiss cheese has high vitamins B and K.

Cheese and Its vitamins And Minerals

Check the different cheeses’ (100gm) vitamin and mineral content.

CheeseVitamin AVitamin B12Vitamin KCalciumZincProteinCalories
Cheddar265 mcg (29% DV)0.83 mcg (35% DV)2.8 mcg (2% DV)721 mg (72% DV)4.1 mg (37% DV)22.9 g403 kcal
Mozzarella152 mcg (17% DV)0.65 mcg (27% DV)2.5 mcg (2% DV)505 mg (51% DV)2.9 mg (26% DV)22.2 g300 kcal
Swiss205 mcg (23% DV)3.34 mcg (139% DV)7.5 mcg (6% DV)961 mg (96% DV)3.9 mg (35% DV)26.9 g376 kcal
Parmesan195 mcg (22% DV)1.4 mcg (58% DV)1.7 mcg (1% DV)1184 mg (118% DV)3.1 mg (28% DV)35.8 g392 kcal
Feta125 mcg (14% DV)1.69 mcg (70% DV)1.8 mcg (2% DV)493 mg (49% DV)2.9 mg (26% DV)14 g264 kcal
Brie178 mcg(20%DV)0.5mcg(21%DV)2.3mcg(2%DV)184mg(18%DV)2.4mg(22%DV)20 g334 kcal
Cream cheese155mcg(17%DV)<0.1mcg(<1%DV)<0.1mcg(<1%DV)<10mg(<1%DV)<0.1mg(<1%DV)6 g342 kcal
Vitamins and Minerals In Cheese

Does Cheese Have Vitamin D?

Cheese is not a significant source alone and may not meet daily requirements. It contains vitamin D, mainly in the form of vitamin D3. Hard cheeses have more vitamin D than soft cheeses.

Some cheese can be a good source of vitamin D, providing up to 30 IU per one-cup serving. The top choices are Fontina, Muenster, and Monterey, while Swiss cheese has little vitamin D.

Benefits Of Cheese

Cheese can provide surprising health benefits despite its high fat content. Here are some of the benefits of cheese based on the search results.

  • Strong bones: Cheese can boost calcium intake, which helps build bones and prevent osteoporosis.
  • Dental health: Cheese can protect teeth from cavities and raise the pH level of dental plaque.
  • Immune system: Cheese is a rich source of vitamin B12, crucial for the body’s formation, regulation, repair, and protection, strengthening the immune system.
  • Reduced inflammation: Dairy cheese contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which may help reduce inflammation and lower the risk of heart disease and obesity.

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Is Vitamin C Present In Cheese?

Little to no vitamin C is present in cheese. However, cheese is high in vitamins A, B, And K, zinc, calcium, and protein that benefits your bones, teeth, and heart.

Does Yogurt Have Vitamin C?

Yogurt doesn’t have much vitamin C, containing less than 2mg per serving. However, some yogurt brands are fortified with vitamin C, which can increase its content. However, yogurt is an excellent source of high-quality protein, calcium, vitamin B12, and trace minerals.


Does cheese have vitamin C? Well, cheese doesn’t have much vitamin C due to the cheese-making process and storage. So, don’t rely only on cheese for your vitamin C intake. But cheese can be an excellent addition to your diet as it’s rich in other vitamins and minerals.

For more on vitamins and minerals, visit our blogs.

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