Vitamin E and Magnesium: A Match Made in Nutrition Heaven

Different micronutrients we need for our health are readily available in our foods. But this might not be enough. To ensure that we don’t have any deficiency and our immunity is going strong, supplement is one of the answers.

So how about taking some vitamins and minerals together in a single drug? Perhaps vitamin E with magnesium.

Vitamin E and magnesium are compatible and particularly take care of digestive health. But this co-supplementation is also helpful to relieve the symptoms of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases by reducing glucose or lipid levels. They hardly interact with other chemicals or minerals.

However, only taking a supplement won’t help with diseases. So, check out how vitamin E and magnesium work together, their benefits, and how combinations of other vitamins and minerals may be more helpful.

Vitamin E with Magnesium

Vitamin E is among the essential vitamins needed for good health. Among the different minerals in our daily diet, magnesium is the one that you can mix with vitamin E.

This has been done as an immunity booster to improve your overall health. So, instead of taking each separately, you can supplement your body with both at a permissible ratio.

The supplements usually come from natural vitamin E and magnesium sources and offer various dietary and medical benefits. Usually, the supplements come in different doses to suit your requirements. It’s better to consult a medical professional to decide on the daily dosage or go for lower ones to get started.

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Interaction between Vitamins and Magnesium

Vitamins and magnesium are proven to improve metabolic disorders in various patients. This includes

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Studies showed that taking magnesium and vitamin E supplements together for 12 weeks may improve hirsutism, reduce inflammation and improve antioxidant levels in women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

Magnesium and Vitamin E Benefits

They are both beneficial for overall health and nutrition. Some of the significant benefits are as follows.

  • Anti-glycemic and anti-lipidemic properties to maintain insulin and lipid levels.
  • Boost up different biochemical reactions in the body for energy and strength.
  • Take care of the heart and mental health.
  • Have some anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Improve bones and muscles.
  • Improves the overall diabetic foot ulcer (DFU).
  • Removes stress and offers better sleep.
  • Offer better digestion with better conditions of the organs.
  • It may also improve skin disorders.
vitamin e with magnesium capsules

Possible Side Effects

Even though magnesium and vitamin E don’t interact much with the body’s regular functions, excess or high dosage might cause some side effects or discomfort.

  • They may react with minerals like calcium if taken together.
  • Overdose or possible interactions may cause side effects like nausea, fatigue, digestive issues, bloating, etc.
  • No improvement in cholesterol levels, so you might have difficulties maintaining it.

Which Vitamins and Minerals Work Together?

While we can receive different vitamins from our daily diet, we use supplements for faster and added benefits. This also removes our deficiency.

But you need to be extra cautious while taking supplements with various vitamins paired with minerals. Not only do we want to boost our immunity, but we also want better absorption with little or no side effects.

Vitamins and MineralsAffect
Vitamin C and IronHelp to absorb iron, especially for vegans with no GI problems.
Vitamin D with CalciumFaster absorption of calcium and phosphorus to improve bone health.
Vitamin B12 and FolateUseful for faster cell division, absorption, and relieving symptoms in pregnancy.
Vitamin D and Omega-3Help absorb fatty acids, improve heart and joint conditions, and have anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties.
Vitamin D and MagnesiumActivate vitamin D circulation in the body and strengthen blood vessels.
Vitamin E and Omega-3Offer antioxidants and help to maintain lipid levels and lose weight.

Magnesium Supplement

If you don’t want co-supplementation, you will always have good old magnesium. Doctors and health experts prescribe this mineral supplement to help reduce the deficiency and gain various health advantages.

Magnesium is said to maintain blood pressure, strengthen bones, reduce inflammation, and also the symptoms of severe conditions like

You can consider magnesium supplements for common conditions like

  • Asthma
  • Pregnancy
  • Acid reflux, and
  • Digestive problems.

Health professionals usually suggest a dose to patients with

  • Kidney or thyroid problems
  • Alcohol abuse, and
  • Crohn’s disease.

However, excessive magnesium can have harmful effects. Some discomfort includes diarrhea, nausea, stomach ache, etc. It might also react with certain medicines like antibiotics or diuretics.

So, people with diabetes, heart problems, and intestinal or kidney disease should be careful in taking magnesium supplements. This is because overdose for these patients is fatal and can cause low blood pressure, digestive problems, and fatigue.


When to take magnesium with other vitamins and minerals?

Magnesium is an excellent mineral to pair with vitamins like D and E. Together; they will improve immunity by decreasing symptoms of dietary conditions and higher glucose and lipid levels. They will also work well with other medicines for diseases like CVD, diabetes, etc. Besides, always take magnesium with meals and never on an empty stomach.

Which pairings of vitamins and minerals should be avoided?

Even though vitamins and minerals are necessary, we can’t take them all at once. Some minerals like calcium and iron, and magnesium and zinc. If you suffer from side effects, you can take other vitamins that work with magnesium, particularly vitamin D3, to increase absorption.

What vitamins can be mixed for a supplement?

We often find some multivitamins for taking a supplement. Most of them contain vitamins, along with other minerals. But you can also supplement with vitamins like D and K2 and fat-soluble ones like A, D, E, and K together. They improve bone health by increasing the circulation of calcium. But primarily, they hardly interact with others or create side effects.

Are there vitamins that can’t work together?

Some vitamins together will also create various problems. These include vitamins B12 and C and some fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. Taken together, these can interact with other essential minerals in the body and cause side effects.

The Bottom Line

So, vitamin E and magnesium are great supplements for adults or kids. You will need a course for around a month or more to have some effects. But do ensure that you take the required dosage as mentioned in the package or recommended by doctors.

However, excess supplements or overdoses can have a reverse effect or even cause fatalities. In most cases, this proves that the vitamin and mineral have reacted with regular bodily reactions. So, if you suffer from digestive problems or cramps for more than a few days, talk to your doctor.

Anyone with chronic diseases or existing conditions should talk to their specialists to check whether they need any supplements. If so, only follow the prescribed dosage to avoid fatalities.

Check the supplement salon blogs to know more about supplements.

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