The Connection Between Ashwagandha And Urine Odor: What Science Says

Picture this: You’ve started supplementing with Ashwagandha recently, but then, something curious happens. Your everyday routine of bodily functions presents you with a bewildering twist – your urine seems to possess a novel, unusual scent!!!

Can your new supplement be the culprit behind this unexpected olfactory surprise?

Well, you’re not alone in this curiosity. Anecdotal reports and online forums buzz with discussions about this question: Does Ashwagandha make your pee smell?

let’s unmask this mystery together and discover Ashwagandha and its potential effects on your body’s excretions and urine odor.

The Secret Life of Ashwagandha: Does It Cause Urine Odor?

Ashwagandha offers numerous health benefits, including stress reduction, energy boost, and improved athletic performance. But some users have reported a change in urine odor due to using Ashwagandha, according to various online forums and product reviews.

However, these testimonies are largely anecdotal and subjective. They also don’t account for other potential influencers like diet, hydration, and other medication or supplement use.

But what does the research say about it? Let’s look deeper into Ashwagandha, its smell, and its impact on urine.

What Causes The Smell Of Ashwagandha?

The smell of Ashwagandha is hidden inside its name.

Ashwagandha gets its name from the scent of its root, which resembles that of a horse. This is because the word “Ashwa” means horse in Sanskrit. And the smell is often described as slightly pungent, earthy, or horse-like.

Its phytochemical components – withanolides, alkaloids, and steroidal lactones, especially withanolides, are responsible for the distinctive aroma of ashwagandha.

Withanolides are a group of naturally occurring steroids. Their structure is quite complex, including a basic steroid structure with additional atoms. It can influence the aroma of Ashwagandha.

In addition, the way Ashwagandha is processed can also contribute to its smell. For example, when the root is dried in supplements or powders, it can enhance the herb’s natural aroma.

Does Ashwagandha Make Your Pee Smell?

Yes, Ashwagandha may cause your pee to be smelly for the presence of its active compounds withanolides. However, it is a normal and harmless side effect of the supplement. The body metabolizes these compounds and excretes them in the urine, giving them a distinctive smell.

The smell may vary depending on the dosage, the quality, and the type of ashwagandha supplement. Some people may describe it as earthy, herbal, or musky. The smell may also fade as the body gets used to the supplement.

Ashwagandha’s metabolites may not have the same scent as the original compounds found in the herb. But more research is needed on the link between Ashwagandha and changes in urine odor.

Does Ashwagandha Make Your Pee Smell?

Is The Smelly Urine Harmful?

While the urine odor may be unpleasant, it is not harmful and is generally considered a harmless side effect of taking ashwagandha supplements. Besides, there is no evidence that ashwagandha affects the frequency or volume of urine or causes any urinary problems.

So, you should not worry if your pee smells different after taking ashwagandha. It is just a sign that the supplement is working in your body.

However, you should consult your healthcare provider if you experience other symptoms or side effects after taking ashwagandha supplements.

Why Does Ashwagandha Make My Pee Yellow?

Ashwagandha can cause urine color to range from yellow to brown due to the breakdown of withanolides by the liver and subsequent excretion in urine. It depends on the dose and your metabolism.

The color effect is similar to how some vitamins, such as B2 or C, can change urine color.

The change in urine color does not indicate any kidney or liver damage. In fact, ashwagandha may protect these organs by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.

However, if you experience other symptoms, such as pain, burning, or blood in the urine, you should consult your doctor immediately.

To prevent or reduce the yellowing of urine, you can do the followings-

  • drink more water to dilute the withanolides and flush them out faster.
  • take ashwagandha with food to slow down its absorption and metabolism.
  • avoid taking ashwagandha at night, as this may make your urine more concentrated in the morning.

How Long Does Ashwagandha Stay In Your Urine?

Ashwagandha contains two types of compounds: water-soluble and fat-soluble. The body quickly absorbs and metabolizes the water-soluble compounds usually excreted in the urine within 2-3 days. On the other hand, the fat-soluble compounds are stored in the fatty tissues and can remain in the system for up to 30 days.

But remember, the duration of ashwagandha in your urine may vary depending on several factors, such as-

  • your dosage
  • frequency of use
  • body weight
  • Metabolism
  • Hydration
  • diet

But generally speaking, the higher the dose and the more often you take ashwagandha, the longer it will stay in your urine.

Is Ashwagandha Hard On Kidneys?

There is no evidence to suggest that ashwagandha causes kidney damage.

ashwagandha has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which may help strengthen the kidneys functioning. Studies have shown that ashwagandha has a curative effect on the damaged microtubules in the kidneys.

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How To Reduce Smelly Pee While Taking Ashwagandha?

There are some ways to reduce the smell of pee while taking ashwagandha.

  • Drink plenty of water to dilute the urine and flush out the withanolides.
  • Take ashwagandha with food or milk to slow its absorption and reduce its urine concentration. Check if you can take Ashwagandha with supplements like Tongkat Ali, fish oil, or fenugreek.
  • Choose a high-quality ashwagandha supplement standardized for withanolide content and tested for purity and potency.
  • Reduce the dosage or frequency of ashwagandha intake if the smell is too bothersome or causes discomfort.
  • Consult a doctor before taking ashwagandha if you have any medical conditions or allergies that may affect your urine or kidney function.
The link between Ashwagandha and Smelly Pee

Other Ashwagandha Negative Side Effects

Some other side effects of Ashwagandha include-

  • Nausea
  • Upset Stomach
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Skin Rashes
  • Itching
  • Inflammation
  • Chest Pain
  • Breathing Difficulties
  • Palpitations
  • Lower Blood Sugar Levels

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Bottom Line

So, there you have it – the curious case of Ashwagandha and its whispered effects on urine aroma. It’s a fascinating exploration, isn’t it?

Remember, our wellness journey is always as unique as ours, filled with surprising twists and intriguing turns. Keep asking, exploring, and, most importantly, be the curious steward of your health journey.

After all, it’s all about you!

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