Is Water Retention Inevitable With Creatine Supplementation?

Unique individuals always seek ways to improve their athletic performance and build muscle mass. One supplement that has gained popularity in recent years is creatine. However, any supplement raises questions and concerns about its potential side effects.

One such question often arises: Is water retention from creatine unavoidable?

Creatine supplementation usually leads to water retention as it promotes the movement of water into muscle cells. It can cause temporary bloating and weight gain. But this effect is generally mild, and you can manage it with proper hydration and dosing.

Keep reading our informative article for more in-depth information on creatine and water retention.

Does Creatine Cause Water Retention?

Creatine supplementation has been found to increase water retention in the body. It is often referred to as “creatine bloat.” However, why do you encounter the effect? Let’s see.

Increase intracellular water

Creatine supplementation increases the intracellular water content of muscle cells. This effect is attributed to the osmotic properties of creatine, which facilitates the accumulation of water within the cells. It may enhance muscle growth and strength.

Increase glycogen storage

Creatine aids in enhancing the storage of glycogen in muscle cells, a type of carbohydrate that needs water to be stored in the body. This boost in glycogen storage also leads to an increase in water retention.

Increase blood volume

Creatine supplementation may also increase blood volume, resulting in water retention. This increase in blood volume is thought to be due to increased red blood cell production.

Is Water Retention From Creatine Bad?

Is Water Retention From Creatine Bad?

Water retention after taking creatine supplements is a common side effect; however, it’s not harmful or BAD. However, people don’t experience discomfort or health issues; you may have unwanted side effects, such as bloating or digestive issues – diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, etc.

But it’s temporary that goes away as you adjust to the regular dosage of creatine.

However, consult your doctor before starting creatine if you have any health issues. It will help you determine the correct dosage and avoid unwanted side effects.

How Long Does Creatine Water Retention Last?

The duration of water retention after taking creatine depends on person to person – your age, dosage, health condition, exercise regime,  etc. However, on average, it usually lasts from a few days to a few weeks.

You can notice weight gain during this period, usually 1–2% of body mass. However, it’s not permanent.

Does Creatine Cause Water Weight?

Creatine can cause water weight gain; however, it is temporary and will typically go away within days or weeks. Also, not everyone who takes creatine will experience water weight gain, as it can vary from person to person.

According to research, some people can gain about 2 to 4.5 pounds in the first week of taking oral Creatine. But, after the initial week of creatine supplementation, the water weight gain tends to level off and should not continue to increase.

Does Creatine Bloating Go Away?

When taking creatine, the bloating side effect is most evident during the loading phase, which involves consuming a high amount of creatine (20-25 grams) for 5-7 days. The muscles absorb more water during this period, resulting in water retention and bloating.

To avoid this, you can begin with a lower maintenance dose of 3-5 grams daily instead of the loading phase. Skipping the loading phase will allow your body to adapt gradually to the increased creatine levels. It will also decrease bloating risk.

Staying hydrated throughout the day can also help prevent water retention and bloating due to creatine consumption.

Can You Achieve Muscle Gains With Creatine With Water Retention?

Studies suggest that creatine supplementation can help increase muscle mass and strength, even in athletes who experience water retention as a side effect. Despite the potential for temporary bloating and weight gain, the muscle-building benefits of creatine are well-established.

Creatine works by increasing the energy available to muscles during exercise, enhancing performance, and stimulating muscle growth. 

However, you should not rely on creatine as the sole means of achieving fitness goals. To achieve optimal results, you should use creatine in combination with a consistent workout regimen because it alone cannot sufficiently build muscle mass and strength.

Managing Water Retention From Creatine

Overall Pros And Cons Of Water Retention Caused By Creatine

Here are some of the pros and cons of water retention caused by creatine:


  • However temporary, it can increase muscle size and strength, as the additional water in the muscles can create a fuller and more voluminous appearance.
  • Creatine supplementation can improve recovery by increasing the amount of water in the muscles, which can help to reduce muscle soreness and inflammation after exercise.
  • Creatine has been shown to improve exercise performance, and water retention may be one of the factors contributing to this effect.


  • Water retention can cause temporary weight gain, as increased muscle water content can increase overall body weight. While this effect may be desirable for bodybuilders or athletes looking to gain muscle mass, it may be undesirable for individuals trying to lose weight.
  • Despite increasing the water content in the muscles, it may also lead to dehydration if water intake is not increased. 
  • Water retention can place additional stress on the kidneys, as the kidneys are responsible for regulating the body’s water balance. Individuals with pre-existing kidney problems may be at a higher risk of developing kidney damage or dysfunction when taking creatine supplements.
  • Water retention may cause bloating and discomfort, as the increased water content in the muscles can lead to swelling and pressure on other organs in the body.

How To Deal With Water Retention From Creatine?

Here are some tips for dealing with water retention from creatine.

  • Stay Hydrated Drinking plenty of water can help flush out excess water and sodium from your body, reducing bloating and swelling.
  • Adjust your creatine dosage – With the consultation of your medical advisor, adjust your daily dosage intake to minimize water retention.
  • Monitor your sodium intake – Consuming too much sodium may lead to water retention. Limiting your sodium intake can help prevent water retention.
  • Add potassium-rich foods to your diet – Potassium is a mineral that helps maintain fluid balance. So, including potassium-rich foods such as bananas, avocados, spinach, and sweet potatoes may help reduce water retention.
  • Increase your physical activity – Exercise can help improve circulation and promote fluid movement, which can help reduce water retention.

Final Words

If you are worried about water retention from creatine intake, let me assure you it’s’ harmless and temporary. The worrisome side effects you may face due to water retention is bloating or digestive discomfort.

But with the right guidance, dosage, hydration, diet, and exercise, you can manage water retention and eliminate all its adverse effects.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to fitness and nutrition. Your goals and circumstances are unique, so make sure you make the best decision for your needs.

For more on supplementation, visit our blogs.

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