Is Taking Creatine Without a Workout Worth It? Let’s Find Out!

When it comes to supplements that aid athletic performance, creatine is a household name. Its ability to enhance muscle strength and endurance has made it popular among fitness enthusiasts, bodybuilders, and athletes. But not everyone wants to get bigger, so can you take creatine without working out?

You can take creatine without workout or going to the gym. However, you won’t get the full benefits as you get it alongside a resistance training program with improved exercise performance and increasing muscle mass.

Let’s examine the advantages and potential risks of taking creatine supplements without physical exercise.

Creatine Without Working Out: Beneficial or Detrimental?

It’s possible to take creatine supplements without engaging in physical exercise. But you will not get the full benefit of this energy-boosting supplement.

Creatine boosts the amount of creatine stored in your muscle cells. It allows your muscles to produce more energy while performing intense activities. Now, if you don’t exercise, your muscles won’t use up the creatine as fast, and some may be discharged through urine.

Thus, you may be wasting some of the creatine you take and failing to enhance your muscles and fitness.

Besides, the research also shows that creatine supplementation may increase strength, power, and muscle mass, particularly when combined with resistance training.

Can You Take Creatine Without Working Out: The Consequences

While taking creatine without any workout doesn’t cause any severe side effects, it also doesn’t cause any benefits. Here are some unwanted consequences of taking creatine without regular exercise.

Weight Gain

Creatine cause water retention that leads to weight gain. But taking it with or without exercise doesn’t really matter; it’s unavoidable.

 A study has found that taking 20 grams of creatine per day for one week can cause an increase in body weight of 2-6 pounds due to water retention.

If you are concerned about this weight gain, relax – it’s temporary and goes away within weeks.

Excreted Creatine

If you take creatine without exercising, your body will eventually excrete unused creatine through urination. Once your creatine reserves are filled, there is no space to store more creatine, no matter how much you consume.

When you exercise, your body uses up your creatine reserves. But that reserved creatine isn’t used when you don’t work out. So, your body doesn’t need to fill up its reserves; thus, that extra creatine gets wasted.

Check out if creatine causes you to pee more.

No need to worry; it won’t cause any harm. But it will certainly be a waste of your time and money.

Consequences of taking creatine without working out: Stomach Discomfort

Gastrointestinal Distress

Creatine supplementation usually causes digestive issues in many, such as diarrhea, nausea, stomach cramps, and belching. These symptoms may be more likely to get worse when taking it without exercising.

Your body has full reserve when you don’t exercise while on creatine. Your digestive system works extra, digesting this vast amount of creatine. Thus you experience stomach discomfort.

Moreover, if you have a sensitive stomach, taking creatine without exercise can be adverse as it will make your condition terrible.

Dehydration And Thirst

Creatine cause water retention and potential dehydration if adequate fluid intake is not maintained. When you take creatine without working out, your body has more creatine drawing water into muscle cells. As a result, you will be thirstier and dehydrated.

Kidney damage

There is some concern that long-term creatine supplementation may cause kidney damage, although the evidence is limited and conflicting. But, if you have pre-existing kidney disease or other medical conditions, consult your medical advisor before taking creatine.

Are There Any Benefits To Taking Creatine Without Working Out?

There are some potential benefits to taking creatine without working out, although they may be more limited.

Increased Energy

With your reserve full of creatine, your body has more energy to help you in day-to-day tasks and activities. You won’t easily get exhausted while doing your regular activities.

Better Cognitive Function

Some studies suggest that creatine supplementation may improve cognitive function, particularly in older adults or those with cognitive impairment.

Increased Muscle Volume

While creatine is most effective at enhancing muscle growth when combined with resistance training, it may still increase muscle volume without exercise. It’s perfect for people unable to participate in physical activity due to injury or illness.

Reduced Risk Of Age-Related Muscle Loss

The natural aging process causes a decline in muscle mass and strength, leading to various health issues. Creatine supplementation may help slow down this process and lower the risk of age-related muscle loss, promoting better overall health.

Can older people take creatine? Check here.

How To Take Creatine Without Working Out?

Here are some general guidelines for taking creatine without working out.

Consult A Proffesional

Before starting any new supplement, it’s wise to seek advice from a healthcare professional, particularly if you plan to take creatine without engaging in physical exercise. They can help you determine if only creatine suits you and provide guidance on dosing and timing.

Take Your Optimal Dosage

The recommended dosage for creatine varies depending on age, sex, and body weight. A typical dosage is 3-5 grams per day. As you will not exercise, start with a lower dose of creatine to avoid any side effects.

Take Creatine With Food

While the timing may not be as critical for those taking creatine without working out, a few studies suggest that taking creatine with food rich in carbohydrates may improve absorption. It will help you avoid gastrointestinal side effects.

Why don’t you take creatine with oats in the morning? The fiber in oats will help lessen weight gain, keeping you healthy.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to improve the supplement’s absorption. Though water is still the best option, you can mix creatine with liquid like milk, tea, or juice that will keep you hydrated.

Here are more suggestions on what you can mix with creatine.

How to take creatine without working out?


Can I take creatine on the days I don’t work out?

Yes, you can take creatine when you don’t work out. It still benefits your body by supporting various functions like increasing muscle creatine levels, enhancing brain function, and promoting bone health.

What happens if you take creatine without drinking water?

To ensure your well-being while taking creatine, you should drink enough water. Insufficient water intake may cause the body to break down muscle tissue to obtain the necessary water, leading to discomforts such as muscle cramps and possibly even kidney problems.

Can you take creatine without food?

Taking creatine without food is perfectly fine, and consuming it with a meal is unnecessary. However, taking creatine with food, particularly carbohydrates may enhance absorption.

Sum Up

Can you take creatine without working out?- it has a straightforward answer: Yes, you can.

But, to maximize the benefits of creatine supplementation, combining it with a regular exercise routine and healthy diet is best. Remember, creatine is just one piece of the puzzle and a well-rounded approach to fitness. Including a healthy diet and exercise is the key to achieving optimal results.

Visit our blogs for more on creatine supplementation.

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